So you want to know about me eh? Well, where should I start.... hmmmmm.....
Well, I was born in Newport Beach Calofornia, on April the 13th, 1978. I lived in Southern California until I was 6 years old.
I don't remember very much about living there, besides visiting my grandparents, and going to kindergarten, and I remember I didn't like to wear dresses.

My mom, my sister and I moved to Florida in the summer between my kindergarten and 1st grade year... we drove across the country in a clunky old Pinto. My love for traveling probably has some complex root in that single trip.
All through elementary school, I was teased for being the little one, and my teachers disliked my lack of attention for my mind was always off in my own little world, and I was always drawing.. I actually remember watching tiny armies of knights on horseback riding from desk to desk, to come help me with my work, and guard me from the dodgey stares from the other kids. But, of course, my overactive imagination always managed to make me loose my spot in a class reading, or totally miss the question my teacher just asked me to answer to the class. To this day I can remember the heat of embarassment wash over me, and how long those moments of snickering classmates, and foot tapping teachers would last. But try as I might, I still go off into my own little world during lectures in class!! I guess it will never go away, and I never want it to. I remember teachers yelling at me for drawing in class, and one particular second grade teacher enjoyed calling me "dragon girl" for the fact that I drew dragons so often. They would try with all their might to repress my creativity...

I have a theory, that we are all born artists, in one way or another, but at a certain point, (right after Kindergarten actually) we are taught not to doodle, and not to fold up our paper into interesting little creatures... but to just sit there, and pay attention. But those few like me... who keep drawing as much as the teachers would yell, actually do break through in the end, with their God given gift. Ask any artist, they'll tell you they were yelled at as a child for drawing in class.

So I graduated my senior year, with the first honor award ever given in my high school for art. And was voted most artistic in my class. I won a scholarship with my talent, and went on to the Art Institute of Ft Lauderdale, where I took classes for about 9 months. It was a horrible school, so I followed a few other classmates of mine who has withdrawn to a school in Orlando called Full Sail. My time in that school was great... not to mention a special treat being one of the 4 girls in a class of about 45!! Upon my graduation, I went to England and Scotland to visit a friend who had just been married, along with that the birth (or resurgence?) of my passion of traveling.
I've been employed by Disney's entertainment department for about 4 years now... and am also working in a local bookstore... saving my money for my trip to Italy.. or Japan, I haven't decided. My lifes dream is to work for Walt Disney Feature Animation, and to travel.
But for now, I'm a single, 21 year old girl, taking a few art classes here and there at a community college.. working in a bookstore, saving up to travel, and trying to sell a piece of art work here and there.

I'm adding a few random personal facts here... just for quick reference or something...

My physique
Short Auburn Hair
Green eyes
5 ft tall
95 lbs

Hobbies and Interests
Drawing, listening to music, surfing around online, designing web sites, learning about different cultures, traveling, kayaking, swimming, horseback riding, sci fi movies, comedy movies, romance movies, just about any good movie, going to see shows (as in theatrical shows), my cat.. many other things, of course, I could never think of all of them...

Music I enjoy
music, I think, is what my imagination feeds on, so of course music would be important to me,
these are amongst the different kinds of music I enjoy

Music of Andrew Lloyd Webber, particularly, the Phantom of the Opera, Jesus Christ Superstar, and Cats. Movie soundtracks, mostly original scores by composers like John Williams, James Horner, Danny Elfman, Jerry Goldsmith. Singers like Andrea Bocelli, Sarah Brightman, Michael Crawford, Brad Little (my favorite singer... and the most awesome baritone to ever hit the earth, thats him and me in that picture up there), And various groups and singers, some you might have heard of, some maybe not... Loreena McKennit, David Bowie (Earthling), Ofra Haza, Kodo, Wolfstone, Duran Duran, Anreas Vollenweider, Adiemus, Enya, Bjork, Mozart... theres more, but again... I can't think of it all.

And why anyone would possibly want to know that much about me is beyond me... but... if you enjoyed my little life crammed onto one page... thats great! And of you have this bizzare urge to contact me now... well, email me!